The soil type on the project site is a
factor in determining how fast and how often water can be applied to the plant
Soil absorbs and holds water in much the same way as a sponge. A given texture
and volume of soil will hold a given amount of moisture. The intake rate of the
soil will
influence the precipitation rate and type of sprinkler that can be utilized.
The ability of soil to hold moisture, and the amount of moisture it can hold,
will greatly affect the irrigation operational schedule. Soil is made up of
sand, silt and clay particles. The percentage of each of these three particles
is what determines the actual soil texture. Because the percentage of any one
of these three particles can differ, there is virtually an unlimited number of
soil types possible.
The lists the general characteristics of the three main soil types.
One of the most significant differences between different soil types is the way in which they absorb and hold water.
Capillary action is the primary force in spreading water horizontally through the soil. Both gravity and capillary action influence vertical movement of water.
In coarser soils, water is more likely to be absorbed vertically, but will not spread very far horizontally. The opposite is true for finer soils.
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